ABOUT US The BMW Club United Kingdom & Ireland SOUTH WEST SECTION We are the South West Section, of “The BMW Club United Kingdom & Ireland”Our area includes the Counties:- Cornwall – Dorset – Devon – SomersetCurrently there are 15 Geographic Sections in the club.This might be the club for you!While most of us own a BMW motorcycle, by no means, all the members do, and it is notrequired that one does to be a member. We will be very pleased to see any new members joining us.We are a group of riders and family, that just enjoy socialising and riding with other like minded people.We hold regular lunch time meets, around the area, and throughout the year we holdseveral “Rally Events” as well as attending other section’s Rallies, when possible.This Section has a committee of six people. < insert link to Contacts>We look forward to seeing you. If you would like to join the South West Section, please contact ourMEMBERSHIP SECRETARYPhil Sampson :- southwest.membership@bmwclubuk.net South West SectionBank Details For BACS Payment Of Camping Fees Where Applicable*******************Payee AccountBMW CLUB SOUTHWEST Sort Code. 54 – 41 – 12Account No. 46032924 OUR COMMITTEE SOCIAL SECRETARYDon Rabson :- southwest.social@bmwclubuk.net TREASURERPaul Newman :- southwest.treasurer@bmwclubuk.net MEMBERSHIP SECRETARYPhil Sampson :- southwest.membership@bmwclubuk.net SECRETARY & NATIONAL REPKeith Burt :- southwest.secretary@bmwclubuk.net COMMITTEE MEMBERHank Arnold :- harnoldsco@aol.com COMMITTEE MEMBERPaul Newman :- paulnewman1862@msn.com COMMITTEE MEMBERCarl Middleton :-middleton@mail.com WEBMASTERKeith Burt :- webmaster.bmwclub.sw@gmail.com HOME PAGE