North Cornwall Show Ground

Seven BMW Club South West Members were here.

Don & Sue Rabson, Phil Sampson, Vince & Sue Jennings, Keith Burt, Hank & Denise Arnold, and Brian Lewis (Site Volunteer)

Phil and Keith arrived from the Northern Section’s Llandovery Rally on Thursday.

Due to the M5 being completely closed at Bridgewater it took seven hours!

Thanks to the organiser Stuart for letting us camp early.


Weather fair to start with but the wind got up and heavy rain in the afternoon,

Phil rode back home to collect the flags, Don & Sue arrived with a large gazebo.

Four of us got the gazebo up. Each show plot was provided with a bench type picnic table.

No visitors yet, other stands were in the process of putting up their kit.

Three riders turned up on various sports bikes during one of the frequent downpours

They were booked into one of the “Glamping” tents behind us.

We invited them to come in under our gazebo and use the picnic table until it blew over.

Our neighbours were Triumph Owners Club and SSAFA The Armed Forces Charity, headed by Simon, an ex Regimental Sargent Major.

Friday night suffered gale force winds, Don’s gazebo got damaged, at 07:00 we are out there trying to get it back together again, several cable ties and some tools, managed to resurrect it.

Another trader was not so lucky at 04:00 his units were flattened, the site organiser provided two ticket huts for him to carry on.


We had four bikes on show RS 1200, RT 1200, GSA 1200, GS 1250

Weather less wet but a cool breeze all day

We had a couple of people show interest, Vince wasted no time giving them his sales pitch!

Ocean Group arrived Saturday, disappointingly no one from them came over to speak to us!

Two Scottish Section members on holiday called in to say hello.

Vince went over to the Ocean Group stand and came back with Motorrad’s new Electric Bike The CE 02 (see pics)

The band was an AC/DC tribute band and really quite good.


The weather improved quite a bit, with sun and a light breeze most of the day.

The fairground rides were doing better business now “Over The Falls” no thanks!

The show bike judging took place Sunday at 14:00, one bike won three trophies it is a very clever bit of engineering, everything tucked away out of sight, Button Gear Shift, Twist Grip Brakes, Automatic gearbox.

The gazebo came down late afternoon, unfortunately the wind damage suffered on Friday night was terminal. (see photo)

Vince & Sue headed back home Sunday evening.

Don, Phil and Keith camped another night to go home Monday morning


Woke up to steady rain, no wind, just had to pack away our wet tents and head home.

The whole event was really very well ran, Stuart and his family manning the entry gate, professional security on the back gate, a friendly atmosphere all round.

A garage with an M & S shop just quarter mile away. Full size Tesco etc just a bit further.

Two entertainment stages, one each end of the site, the main one by the beer tent (where else?)

Plenty of food available on site, no need to go hungry for long.

Just a shame the weather was so rough for the organisers and everyone.